CCC Streamlines the Author Experience Through RightsLink for Scientific Communications

Most Widely Adopted Market Solution Supports Agreement Implementations Between

Leading Publishers and Nearly 1,000 Institutions and Funders

CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, has streamlined the author experience for those seeking Open Access (OA) publication funding through RightsLink for Scientific Communications, the most widely-adopted market solution to support OA agreements.

Publishers using RightsLink can prioritize key eligibility criteria when an author’s manuscript matches to multiple funding sources. Authors are presented with their optimal funding source automatically, making the funding request process seamless.

With the explosive growth in institutional usage of RightsLink for Scientific Communications, CCC has responded to market demand for robust tools for managing funding eligibility across pure and mixed-model OA publishing agreements. The latest updates to RightsLink introduce more comprehensive and powerful eligibility functionality, without publisher or institutional intervention.

Publishers can enable the use of RightsLink’s innovative Touch-Free Workflow to accelerate the overall publication funding process. This not only facilitates alignment with mandates such as Plan S, but also improves transparency, reduces friction for the author, and lowers costs for all parties. With support for pre-paid funder and publisher accounts, RightsLink is the only solution that enables Read and Publish agreements between publishers and institutions without requiring author involvement. RightsLink has handled tens of thousands of funding requests related to such agreements since 2019. By using a single platform, publishers, funders, authors and institutions obtain the benefits of transparency, speed of execution, lower costs, and easy implementations of complex arrangements.

CCC is committed to supporting publishers in helping improve their authors’ funding eligibility experience,” said Roy Kaufman, Managing Director, Business Development and Government Relations, CCC. “Having fewer steps in the process helps reduce publisher costs and accelerate publication of valuable OA content.”

“As the OA landscape became increasingly complex, we partnered with CCC to help our customers administer their read and publish deals,” said Caz Kerbyson, Training and Systems Support Manager, Cambridge University Press. “RightsLink’s Agreement Manager solution has supported our roll out of a novel sales model to our customers and has assisted us in unlocking the potential of our authors and institutions.”

CCC is an active partner in the information industry’s evolution of hybrid and pure Open Access publishing models. For years, CCC has brought together key Open Access stakeholders from the author, publisher, institution, funding, and vendor communities through roundtables, panel events, webinars, podcasts, and published pieces. CCC is a member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers), STM (International Association of STM Publishers) and SSP (Society for Scholarly Publishing).

CCC adheres to the rigorous PCI-DSS standard, is certified under the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard, which reflects CCC’s ability to manage data confidentiality, integrity and availability, and has received annual clean SOC 2 Type 2 reports for our internal controls on data security and privacy.


A pioneer in voluntary collective licensing, Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) helps organizations integrate, access, and share information through licensing, content, software, and professional services. With expertise in copyright and information management, CCC and its subsidiary RightsDirect collaborate with stakeholders to design and deliver innovative information solutions that power decision-making by helping people integrate and navigate data sources and content assets.

.@copyrightclear streamlines the author experience through RightsLink for Scientific Communications, most widely adopted market solution, supporting agreement implementations between publishers and nearly 1,000 institutions and funders. @CambridgeUP


For more information, please contact:

Craig Sender

Senior Director, Public & Analyst Relations
